Red eye medicine consists of various types, ranging from eye drops, topical medication, to oral medication. To treat red eye, the doctor will give you red eye medication based on the cause. Therefore, red eye medication can be different for each person.
Red eye can be caused by bleeding, irritation, swelling or dilation of the blood vessels of the eye, which generally appear more clearly on the white part of the eyeball (sclera). Red eye can appear accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, itching, watery eyes, glare, or vision problems. But sometimes, sufferers of red eye may not feel any interference and only realized when he was looking in the mirror or was told by someone else.
Causes and Ways to Overcome Red Eyes
In general, red eye medications are grouped into several categories of causes, including:Infection
Red eye can be caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, even parasitic infections. Infection can occur in various parts of the eye and cause inflammation, such as blepharitis on the eyelids, keratitis in the corneal lining, conjunctivitis, and uveitis. To treat red eye due to infection, the eye doctor will examine and provide treatment according to the cause of the infection. For example, giving antibiotics to red eyes because of bacterial infections, or antifungals to treat fungal infections.
For red eyes that are caused by allergies, the doctor will usually give red eye medication in the form of eye drops that contain antihistamines. Although it does not work to cure allergies, this drug is able to overcome the allergic reaction that causes red eyes, by blocking the production of excessive histamine. You are advised to avoid triggering allergic reactions, such as certain types of food or drugs, to prevent allergic reactions from returning.
Dry eye
When the amount or quality of tears is not enough to moisturize the eye lining, dry eye conditions occur that can cause red eyes accompanied by pain. Red eye medication due to dry eyes are generally given by doctors in the form of eye drops filled with artificial tears to moisturize the eye lining and relieve complaints. For certain more severe conditions, surgery may be recommended.
Eye injury is one of the causes of eye redness. Eye injuries can occur due to impact, contact lens scratches, or due to excessive dust exposure. The doctor will give several types of drugs, including antibiotics to prevent infection, corticosteroid drugs to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Actually, various causes of red eye above can cause eye irritation. But there are some other things to look out for because they are classified as irritants that will trigger red and itchy eyes, such as cigarette smoke, motor vehicle fumes, swimming pool water, to chemical contents in soap, shampoo or cosmetics. To treat it, you can rinse your eyes with clean running water. The doctor may also give artificial tears in the form of eye drops to help relieve irritation.
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